+34 663 863 110
+34 952 062 788
Maximum Advanced Technology: Keyhole surgery without visible scarring on the breast surface. Rapid recovery process Minimal post surgery discomfort American Branded Implants MENTOR (Maximum quality and security from a worldwide recognised brand).
Surgery completed in twenty minutes. No post surgery bandaging No drains used Key Objective: to maintain the natural appearance of the breast whilst increasing the breasts volume in line with the personal physic and measurements of the patient. Rapid post surgery recovery Minimal post surgery discomfort in the first 24h and following days American Branded Implants MENTOR (Maximum quality and security from a worldwide recognised brand).
During your FREE initial private consultation with Dr Giraldo your case will be fully evaluated and a complete assessment will be carried out. Throughout this appointment a series of precise measurements will be taken of your breasts that will be used to formulate an exact idea of the best volume, projection and make of implant required in your personal case. You are welcomed and encouraged to look through our extensive collection of pre and post surgery photos. Here you’ll find a wide variety of previous cases to help you obtain a good understanding of what‘s expected and the results achieved in previous cases.
The most frequent complications usually occur during the first year of surgery. These are a contraction of the implant (leaving the breast hard and deformed in shape) and visible changes to the shape of the breast (lowering or rising of the implants). During your first year your costs to rectify such types of complications are 100% covered. The MENTOR implants offer a lifetime guarantee for any rupture and a guarantee of 10 years for a serious implant contraction (III-IV).
Current implants have a complex manufacturing process and undergo many quality tests in the companies in which they are manufactured. However absolutely all implants need to be replaced sooner or later, depending on how they behave in each individual over time. Generally speaking implants must be replaced between 8 and 20 years after surgery.